Here’s a few shots of the wee babies! Over 15 varieties of tomatoes, 7 types of peppers, and 2 varieties of eggplant.
It is still far too cold to put out tomatoes in the garden. At the big box stores, they are rolling out lots of tender annuals and I have noticed cold damage on the foliage. Last year, I planted a Sungold cherry tomato in a raised bed on April 15. I wanted to see if it could handle the lower temperatures. It sat in the raised bed and didn’t grow for weeks (but definitely sent out lots of roots). Compared to the tomatoes I planted in May, I noticed no significant difference, once the temperature raised both the April planted and May planted tomatoes took off. I think the risk of losing a plant due to an unexpected freeze is enough for me to wait to plant tomatoes in May.
Peppers like the temperature to be even hotter! Eggplants as well. You can definitely successfully grow them in pacific northwest as long as you satisfy their full sun requirement and feed with organic fertilizer and/or amend with compost.